This past Sunday evening, Bais Tefila of Inwood held their first annual dinner, with over 150 people in attendance. The theme was "A Year of Thanks", and focused on the many people that were instrumental in the establishment of the Synagogue.
Mr. Pinny Ackerman, the Shul's indefatigable President opened the evening thanking the Katz and Rubenstein families for their extraordinary generosity in giving the synagogue of their own personal office space to use. They were each presented with a plaque expressing the Synagogue's appreciation.
Mr. Ackerman then went on to present the evening's honorees with their awards. Two of the founding members were singled out for their devotion to the community and for their constant desire to do whatever they can to benefit the Synagogue. Mr. and Mrs. Baruch White, and Rabbi and Mrs. Reuven Levine were then presented with a beautiful gift expressing the Synagogue’s appreciation and they were each asked to say a few words.
The Rabbi, Pinchus Weinberger then got up to speak and began with a
surprise presentation as a token of Thanks to Mr. Ackerman as president, Mr. Leon Lantsman as treasurer and Mr. Simcha Stoll, describing them as the three pillars on which the Synagogue stands.
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