With the possibility of a "playfield" for sale neighbors of Bayswater Blvd. and the surrounding area came out with strong opposing voices. It came to their attention that the "lot" immediately outside the entrance gate of the Inwood Country Club is up for sale. Mixed messages that either the Country Club could be purchasing the property for a "maintenance barn" or the County will sell regardless to a "builder" still did not sit well with the neighbors. It was unanimous amongst the crowd that this property remain as is! Plain and simple no one wants this property sold. Years ago, long time residents can remember swings and a see-saw and residents today smile at the thought of the children playing in the open field. A power-point presentation by Pete Sobol & Patty Vacchio brought to the crowds attention how this space is used by today's children and how the County is putting "millions" of dollars into other County parks while Inwood Park is being "neglected". So a small ask not costing anything is to just leave this land alone. Also, in attendance was the CFO of the Inwood Country Club who was clear that he too likes the property the way it is but he was approached by the County regarding this property it was not the Club looking to take this property from the children. All did agree that they jointly have been very good negihbors to each other and want to maintain that relationship. Therefore, they will try to partner up in this mission. This issue goes before OSPAC(Open Space Parks Advisory Commission) Wednesday 4/13 at 4pm and then to the Planning Commission at 10 am on Thursday 4/14. You can direct and comments and questions you have to insideinwood@gmail.com
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