skip to main | skip to sidebarSunday, December 9, 2012
A fundraiser was held in memory of Joey Dowling. Many friends and family turned out to The Den on Sheridan Blvd. to support the event. Mark Magliaro's Band - One Pint Down entertained the crowd. Over $4000.00 was raised at this first fundraiser which the family plans to provide scholarships with. A great time was had by all and great memories of Joey were shared throughout the evening.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
First and foremost, we would like thank you for being such a value customer and our sincere thoughts are with those affected by hurricane Sandy. There has been a tremendous amount of help from different sources to hurricane victims and our company would like to contribute for those in need. We are extending FREE DATA RETRIEVAL SERVICES to victims of hurricane Sandy. Many of you lost you computers with precious pictures and priceless memories not to mention important files and documents to the flood. A lot of companies will attempt to profit from this disaster, but we are here to help. DON'T THROW YOUR COMPUTER AWAY!! All you need to do is bring your computer to our store with a USB thumb drive or external hard drive and we will attempt to retrieve the data for you.
Please pass this information to anyone that you feel may benefit from this FREE service. We cannot do this forever. Therefore, we urge to take advantage of this free service. To qualify you must live in one of the flood affected areas and your computer must show clear water damage. Please understand that many computers sustained severe water damage and we will not be able retrieve any information but at least it won't cost you a penny to TRY!!. This offer is for residential computers only. If you need help, come to our store or give us a call.
TDGroup Computer Services
460 Sheridan Blvd
Inwood NY 11096
516-558-0062 Business Support Website Residential Support Website
Thursday, November 29, 2012
We are in the early stages of preparing the Inwood Calendar 2013. Along with our popular on-line version of the calendar our goal for 2013 is to bring back the "hard copy" version. To make this possible we rely on donations and sponsors to help offset the printing costs. If you are interested in having your business advertised both on our website in the sponsor directory as well as on the hard copy printed version, you can for the low sponsor annual donation of $100. Any and all personal donations can be mailed to The Inwood Calendar PO Box 144 Lawrence NY 11559
. While our community recovers,rebuilds,and reunites after the devistation of Hurricane Sandy, we look forward to working together to stay connected. Thank you in advance for your support!
Friday, October 26, 2012
The new non-profit organization "eNVy" Embracing Noble Values for Young People established by the Vacchio Family; held their first fundraiser. The organization was established and inspired by the loss of their son/brother Nicky in October 2011. The event took place on Saturday, October 20th at Mulcahy's in Wantagh. In attendance were nearly 300 friends and family members of Nicky's. They raised nearly $10,000.00 in which they hope to offer college scholarship to local high school seniors this year. Their plan now will be to work in conjunction with the schools to find the ideal recipients. Although, they have plans to continue fundraising throughout the year - they plan for this to be their largest and annual event. For more information on the organization or to donate visit
The Inwood Country Club became a temporary home to this adorable but huge elephant. Chef Rubio taped his show right in Inwood using the Country Club for his stage setting. Bravo TV did the taping.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
It is with deep sadness that we inform the comunity of the loss of longtime resident and businessman Jack Rose. Ja
ck owned his owned Real Estate & Appraisal Office for many years on Doughty Blvd. We will update the website once we have funeral information.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
As the year approaches of the untimely loss of Nicholas Vacchio, the family is scheduled to kick-off the non-profit organization set up in his memory. Please come together as a community and support the first ever Fundraiser of "eNVy"; Embracing Noble Values for Young People! The event will be held on October 20th from 4 - 8pm at Mulcahy's in Wantagh. For ticket information or other ways you can support the organization contact 516-547-4711. For more information you can also visit the website at
It is with deep sadness that we inform the community of the loss of Marion Miller. Longtime Inwood resident, mother to many, grandmother to several and great-grandmother to some. Mrs. Miller was known to our entire community either by herself through her kind and compassionate manner or through her family; she will be missed!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
The Inwood 5K Run Committee awarded scholarships to 12 local high seniors on June 11 at the Inwood Buccaneers Clubhouse. Each recipient was chosen by an organization on the 5K Committee. The winners were Chris Donohue-Inwood Buccaneers, Anthony Montilli-Sons of Italy, Melissa Padilla-Peninsula Kiwanis, Alexis Quiroz-5 Towns Kiwanis, Gabriella Larin-5 Towns Early Learning Center, Andrea Cornejo-5 Towns Community Center, Megan Havey-Inwood Fire Dept., Kristin Greco-OLGC Rosary Society, Brian Olmedo-LHS Moms and Dads Club, Jeanine Markey-Knights of Columbus, Matthew St. Furcy-Inwood Civic Assn and Dominick Saldutti-VFW #1582. Pictured are the recipients along with Pete Sobol and Mike DeRosa, Inwood 5K Co-Directors, Nelson Toebbe, CEO of St. John's Hospital and Frank Mistero.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
It is with great sadness that we inform the community of the loss of Joey Dowling. Longtime Inwood resident; our friend, our neighbor and our bartender. A great man, a wonderful husband and father. The arangements for Joey will be at Perry's Funeral Home in Lynbrook on Wednesday, June 13th from 2-4pm & 7-9pm. A funeral mass will take place at St. Joachim Church in Cedarhurst on Thursday morning, June 14th at 10:00am. Our heartfelt sympathy to his family. Joey you will be missed by many!!
It is with great sadness that I inform the community of Inwood of the passing of Mrs Theresa Socias. Beloved wife of Ralph and
mother or Anthony and grandmother of Daniel A (Jacklyn) and Patrick T. Theresa lived at 154 Mott Avenue, Inwood her entire life and was devoted to her family and home.
Her funeral mass was at St Kilian Roman Catholic Church in Farmingdale with christian burial at St. Charles Catholic Cemetary in East Farmingdale. Theresa was 96 years old. Of her 8 siblings (the Geraldi's) her brother Joe Geraldi remains. He is 93 and living with his wife Mary in San Antonio, Texas.
Theresa may you rest in peace. You paid your dues and we are all sure you are heaven looking down at all of us.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Senator Dean Skelos will be sponsoring Inwood Community Day at the Five Towns Community Center on Saturday, May 5th from 9:00am - 2:00pm. Some of the Service available will be: * Mercy Medical Center, * Nassau County Department of Social Services, *Town of Hempstead, *Nassau County Dental Society, * Hispanic Counseling Center, * The Maurer Foundation, * The Congressional Glaucoma Screening Van, * The NYS Department of Financial Services. All are welcome, spread the word to your family and friends!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
The Passing of a Princess - Show Your Support
At the young age of 48 Inwood lost our beloved Donna Biondo. Below is a link the family has set-up for donations to Sloan-Kettering in Donna's memory. Please support this important cause and help the family reach their goal.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
We regret to inform the community of the passing of John DeLeo on April 11th, 2012. John was a distinguished Past President of the Peninsula Kiwanis and a distinguished Lt. Governor of the Long Island South West Division. John was the chair of the Peninsula Kiwanis bi-annual food drive to collect kosher and non kosher food and deliver those items to St Joachim's Church food pantry and the Jewish Community Center of Cedarhurst food pantry. Monsignor Paul F. Rahilly of St Joachim's spoke at the funeral about John breaking the wall that often exists between religions and always making sure he had collected enough kosher food for the JCC food pantry. Every year Msgr. Rahilly and Reva Zomber would meet at the Peninsula Kiwanis Thanksgiving eve meeting to thank John for his effort. The family has asked that all donations be sent to Kamp Kiwanis c/o the Peninsula Kiwanis PO Box 301 Hewlett NY to help send a special child in need to camp for 2 weeks in the summer. The John Deleo food drive will continue on May 19th and 20th from 9am-4pm at King Kullen in Hewlett.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

On Wednesday, March 28th at 7pm The Five Towns Early Learning Center will have their Annual Installation of Officers. Councilman Jim Darcy will be the Installing Official. Superintendent of Schools, Gary Schall will be the speaker for the evening at the Annual Meeting addressing community connections. The Center is located at 112 Wahl Ave. Inwood. We invite and encourage all members of the community to attend.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
New Program Director for Substance Abuse Treatment at Community Center

Five Towns Community Center, Inc. wants to announce its Substance Abuse Treatment Program, (referred to as CODA). They have a new Program Director. Dennis Demuth; who took over as Program Director at the end of December 2011. He replaces Phyllis Tropp who retired. Roberto Torre, MAC, CASAC is also now part of the CODA staff and is providing treatment in both Spanish and English. The CODA Program can provide their patients substance abuse treatment, DWI, Anger Management, and Parenting Classes. Please call for more information.
El Five Towns Community Center, Inc., tiene el gusto de presenter al Nuevo director de su programa CODA (Comite de abuso contra drogas).
El senor Dennis Demuth tomo posesion como director del programa en Diciembre 2011, reemplazando a la senora Phyllis Troop quien se retiro.
Roberto Torre, especialista en abuso de substancias es ahora tambien parte del personal y esta ofreciendo servicios tanto en Espanol como en Ingles.
El programa CODA ofrece tratamiento para el abuso de substancias, programa para las personas que arrestan manejando en estado de ebriedad (DWI), manejos del enojo y classes para padres de familia.
Llame para mas informacion:
Telefono (516) 239-6244
Extension 240 para Espanol
Extension 264 for English
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
2012 Attorney Professionalism Award Recipient Chris McGrath

The Attorney Professionalism Award is the Top Honor awarded by the New York State Bar Association. To be nominated for this award, written entries are submitted by judges, clients and other lawyers. This year's recipient Chris McGrath, a Hewlett resident and past president of the Nassau Bar Association is an active member of many Five Towns organizations. We here at Inside Inwood have personally come to know and work with Chris and can attest to his integrity, and outstanding moral character. Congratulations to Chris on this well deserved honor!

Located at 501-2 Burnside Ave., Playhouse Funk, a lingerie shop selling erotic accessories has been issued a court summons by the Town of Hempstead. Owner, Loreal Watson feels the items she sells are no worse than items sold at Victoria's Secret or in Spencer's Gifts. After first being approached by a Town employee she did remove items from her store's front window. Due to appear in court on February 14th, Ms. Watson will defend her store believing the items she sells are appropriate as she now displays an :over 18 only" sign in her window. The court will decide if she should be fined.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Citizen of The Year!

The Inwood Civic Association is proud to announce Patty Vacchio as their Citizen of the Year!! Patty has been the Administrative Assistant working in the Main Office of Lawrence Woodmere Academy since January 1995. Working nights and weekends at our local Check Casher, Inwood Financial Services. Sporting quite an extensive resume, Patty has been devoting most of her time to the Inwood Buccaneers which she began in 1992 as a Cheerleading Advisor for her daughter. Nineteen years later she serves as Vice President. Recording Secretary for the Inwood Civic Association, a supporter and volunteer for the Inwood Car Show, Inwood 5K and the Christmas Dream. She was co-founder, editor and design coordinator of the Inwood Calendar (2005-2010) and now co-founder, of this Inside Inwood website. A NY State Certified Tobacco Sales Trainer, she helps to enforce Nassau's recent Tobacco 19 Law. Aside from her volunteer work, she is President of her family run trophy/award business, All Star Engraving. Patty is married for 27 years to Marcello Vacchio with whom she had 4 children. Tricia, Nicky, Danny & Paulie. Tricia & her husband Rob will be blessing them with their first grandchild the end of March. This past October, unfortunately their oldest son, Nicky who struggled in his short life also suffered from a range of mental illness including but not limited to schizophrenia passed away. Patty & her family are in the process of setting up a non-profit organization "eNVy" in his memory. While this is in the early stages, their mission is to help today's youth that may find themselves similarly situated be successful by providing them with avenues scholastically, occupationally, athletically and socially. More information will follow. PLEASE join us in congratulating Patty! A dinner/dance will be held in her honor on Saturday, March 24th at the Inwood VFW. If you are unable to attend there will also be a journal in which you can take out an ad. For reservattion or journal ad information contact or 516-776-1458
Friday, January 6, 2012
Uryan Rampersaud Donate to a Cause in His Memory
Uryan Rampersaud,the Lawrence High School senior who passed away suddenly on December 29th now has a website established in his memory. Friends of Uryan set up uryan.stayclassyorg. The goal of this website is to raise enough money to build a school in a Third World Country. Their hope would be to raise $10,000.00. His friends have advertised the site on Facebook and Twitter and we at Inside Inwood support their mission and hope that all of you will too.
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